Access Free Mississippi Inmate Search Tools (Offender Records)

Free Mississippi Inmate Search
Lookup jail and prison inmates in Mississippi for free

Run a free Mississippi inmate search in no time using the convenient lookup tools linked in this streamlined resource.

Anyone can quickly uncover relevant facts and information about inmates throughout the state if they know how to do so and where to look. The Mississippi Public Records Act determines that information relevant to the community should be readily available to citizens, and this resource clearly explains how to access any desired inmate details efficiently.

How To Differentiate Between Prison & Jail Inmates

When searching for an inmate or an offender under supervision, it’s very important to know where to look for relevant information. Offenders recently arrested and those who are already serving their sentences are often found at different locations, and by utilizing different systems.

Convicted criminals who have already been sentenced are more frequently found at state or federal facilities – depending on which type of offense they’ve committed and in which court they’ve been tried. Those facilities are known as prisons and usually keep a larger number of prisoners.

Individuals who have been recently booked and are waiting for the judge to set their bail or for trial are more frequently found at county or municipal facilities. Information about those people would be found in local jails and with the support of local law enforcement agencies.

This article will guide concerned citizens as they search for the offender they’re interested in. It provides valuable insight on how to connect with agencies at every level and how to navigate their resources as they look for the most accurate and valuable information.

How To Review Information About Anybody in Jail Throughout MS

When looking for individuals who’ve been recently taken into custody, it’s advisable to start searching at the county where the incident took place. For anyone running an inmate search in Mississippi, it’s important to consider that each county in the state has different procedures in place, as well as different tools available for people to use.

For example, Hinds County has a convenient search engine that shows information about offenders currently in jail in the area. The Hinds County Inmate Query can be used in two different ways.1

Users can search for offenders by name (and if only the last name is known, the system will still work) or by city. This option is particularly interesting when the searcher is aware of an incident but isn’t quite sure about who was involved in it. Obviously, searching by city will lead to a more extensive results list.

Screenshot of the inmate query tool provided by Hinds County Board of Supervisors displaying the instructions for searching inmates followed by the fields for name, city, and pin number, and a separate option for viewing the list by arrest date.
Source: Hinds County Board of Supervisors1

The results will show the offender’s full name, date of arrest, as well as height, weight, race, and gender. By clicking on the individual’s name, searchers can see a mugshot (when available) and more information about the offender and the incident they were involved in.

If more information or support is needed after using the Hinds County Inmate Query, people can contact the Hinds County Sheriff’s Department or the Detention Center directly using the information below:2

Hinds County Sheriff’s Department
Pascagoula Street, 407 E
Jackson, Mississippi 39205

Phone: 601.974.2900

Raymond Detention Center
1450 County Farm Rd
Raymond, Mississippi 39154

Phone: 601.968.6705

When a search at the county level fails or doesn’t lead to the desired results, it’s also an option to contact municipal law enforcement agencies. For instance, although the Jackson City Police Department doesn’t offer an online search tool for inmates, it is available to provide information, and people should never hesitate to contact them when needed.3

Jackson City Police Department
Pascagoula Street, 327 E
Jackson, Mississippi 39205

Phone: 601.960.1217

Beyond the main office, the Jackson City Police Department also has 4 precincts spread all over the city to support the community.4 If visiting person the local precincts is the desired course of action, this is where searchers can go:

Precinct Address Phone Number
JPD Precinct 1 810 Cooper Rd
Jackson, MS 39212
JPD Precinct 2 3645 Hwy 80 West
Jackson, MS 39073
JPD Precinct 3 3925 W Northside Dr.
Jackson, MS 32906
JPD Precinct 4 5080 Parkway Dr
Jackson, MS 39206

Another relevant piece of information for concerned citizens running an inmate search in Mississippi is that victims are always eligible to receive support and assistance as they recover from what was done to them. In Mississippi, help is available through the Bureau of Victim Assistance, operated by the Attorney General’s Office.5 This is how they can be contacted:

Bureau of Victim’s Services
Mississippi Attorney General’s Office
550 High St
Jackson, MS 39201

Phone: 601.359.3680

Victims can also register with VINELink and be informed about any changes in the status of their offender. If the need is for a deeper search about the offender in question, information can also be obtained by looking up all Mississippi crime and arrest documentation. The resource outlines all relevant and official resources so that citizens can quickly and conveniently find all the information they want.

How To Verify if Someone Is Being Held in a State Prison (Mississippi Inmate Search)

When the location of the inmate is unknown, it may become necessary to expand the search and look at all the correctional facilities in the state. The Mississippi Department of Corrections helps concerned citizens through the Inmate Search System.6, 7

Individuals utilizing the Inmate Search can start their inquiries by name, and even using only last names will lead to a list of potential matches. The results list will show the offender’s full name, location, sentence and charge.

By clicking on the individual’s ID number or name, searchers can access the details page. That page will show more facts about the offender’s case, including the county where they were convicted and their earliest tentative release date. It’ll also include a mugshot.

Screenshot of an inmate detail taken from the database maintained by Mississippi Department of Corrections displaying the offender's mugshot at the upper right corner and the following information: inmate name, ID number, race, sex, date of birth, height, weight, complexion, build, eye color, hair color, entry date, location, unit, location change date, number of sentences, and total length of incarceration; followed by the offenses including sentence length, county of conviction, and sentence date; and the tentative release date.
Source: Mississippi Department of Corrections8

On the details page, victims can click on the victim’s services link and request to be notified if anything changes about their offender.9 There are more services available for victims in Mississippi, which will be mentioned elsewhere in this article.

For those performing a state inmate search, it’s important to know that the Mississippi Department of Corrections’ search tool won’t show information about offenders who are currently living under supervision, on parole or on probation. To uncover information about those individuals, searchers should use the Parolee Search.10 This system shows results quite similar to the Inmate Search, with less detail.

Screenshot of the parole search tool and results from Mississippi Department of Corrections, with search fields for first name, last name, MDOC ID number, city, and county; and listing the following information in columns, from left to right: ID number, last name, first name, location, offense, clickable view button.
Source: Mississippi Department of Corrections11

For further insights on how to look up various types of supervised offenders statewide, check out the Mississippi parolee search instructions or the tutorial for accessing all MS probationer details.

Searchers should always rely on the Department of Corrections for support and assistance when the information on the system seems insufficient to them. There’s a facilities map available online, and this is the Department’s contact information:12

Mississippi Department of Corrections
Main Office
301 N Lamar Street
Jackson, MS 39201

Phone: 601.359.5600

Mississippi Department of Corrections
Victim’s Services Office

Phone: 601.359.5628
Phone: +1.866.522.4087

How To Track Down Details of Someone Held in Federal Prison

Offenders who are convicted at the federal level can be found using the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) system. This convenient research tool allows interested individuals to search for inmates currently held at federal facilities, starting in 1982.

It’s possible to search the BOP system by name (it’s important to include first and last), and it will lead to results that include the following information about federal inmates:

  • Offender’s Full Name
  • Their Current Location
  • The Release Date (if known)
  • Personal Information (such as age and other things)

If contacting the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) becomes necessary, this is their information:

Federal Bureau of Prisons
320 First St NW
Washington, DC 20534

Phone: 202.307.3198

For historic searches about offenders incarcerated before 1982, the advice is to use the National Archives & Records Administration (NARA) platform.13 They can also be contacted directly as follows:

National Archives & Records Administration
8601 Adelphi Rd
College Park, MD 20740

Phone: 866.272.6272

It’s a privilege to be able to conveniently search and find information about offenders in the community. That ability brings transparency and allows citizens everywhere to feel safer and better informed. For those reasons, whatever the need is, people should always feel comfortable performing a Mississippi inmate search to establish the facts about an offender.


1Hinds County Board of Supervisors. (n.d.). Inmate Query. Retrieved April 1, 2024, from <>

2Hinds County Board of Supervisors. (n.d.). Sheriff. Retrieved April 1, 2024, from <>

3Jackson Police Department. (n.d.). Jackson Police Department. Retrieved April 1, 2024, from <>

4Jackson Police Department. (n.d.). Jackson Police Precincts. Retrieved April 1, 2024, from <>

5Mississippi Attorney General. (n.d.). Bureau of Victim Assistance. Retrieved April 1, 2024, from <>

6Mississippi Department of Corrections. (n.d.). About Us. Retrieved April 1, 2024, from <>

7Mississippi Department of Corrections. (n.d.). Inmate Search. Retrieved April 1, 2024, from <>

8Mississippi Department of Corrections. (2024). Inmate Details. Retrieved April 1, 2024, from <>

9Mississippi Department of Corrections. (n.d.). Victim Notification Request. Retrieved April 1, 2024, from <>

10Mississippi Department of Corrections. (n.d.). Home – Parolees Search. Retrieved April 1, 2024, from <>

11Mississippi Department of Corrections. (2024). Parolee Search. Retrieved April 1, 2024, from <>

12Mississippi Department of Corrections. (n.d.). Facilities Map. Retrieved April 1, 2024, from <>

13National Archives. (n.d.). Records of the Bureau of Prisons. Retrieved April 1, 2024, from <>